Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer solstice

Ah, summer at last. Even though our mornings here are still laden with thick fog, it's good to know that today kicks off the real summer season. I love summer. The sunshine, the beach, the long days... it doesn't get any better than that.

The art festivals are getting ready to open, too. These festivals are the true meaning of summer here in Laguna. Tonight is the pre-opening, locals night party at the Sawdust Festival. Hands down, it's one of the best parties of the year. Great art and music, along with seeing old friends, it's what Laguna is all about!

Then, on Thursday, my oldest, the heir to the throne, graduates from high school. Although it's impossible to imagine that time has played a nasty trick, and passed way too quickly, I don't feel overly emotional yet. It leaves me to wonder, will the flood-gates open up at a completely inappropriate time? 'Cuz, that would be really bad, but very likely from you-know-who. All's I know is that it did go by way too fast. All that worry, discipline, gobs of love, oh, and just a teensy amount of shouting over the years, and then, *poof*, it's over. Good thing I still have the second in line to keep me busy! But, I'm warning you right now, the blubbering will be out. of. control. when he graduates in 2 years. I guess we dust ourselves off, and just keep stumbling through this crazy life. And if we're lucky, we gave our kids just the right amount of worry, discipline, gobs of love, and just the teensiest amount of shouting to help them navigate all the craziness for themselves.


  1. Yay!! Summer's here! What a gorgeous day today!

    ciao from Newport Beach

  2. Oh, don't say it goes too quickly! I don't want to hear that!

    I hope you do break down in tears. I think I would! The odd-bit of screaming helps. Everyone screams around here.

    Have a nice time at the graduation!

  3. hooray for the solstice! i am learning to love summer (the heat makes me want to faint! but i do love the long days).
    i love summer art festivals.

    AND good luck with those flood gates :)

  4. Summer is FINALLY here in the Bay Area, too! Horray for sundress weather :)
