When you live in a tourist town for a very long time, you tend not to do what the tourists do. In other words, we usually avoid crowds, and head for the hills in summertime. It just so happens that our home is 1000 ft. above the crowds.
So, when guests from out of town come to stay, guess where they want to go? Yup, right smack in the middle of the sea of humanity. And guess what they want to do? Yup, everything that the tourists do.
Let me tell you, I did not think that I would like it one itty bitty bit, but do you want to guess what else?
It was fun. Did you hear me? It was
really fun!
We browsed the crafty art at the
Sawdust Festival where my sister-in-law bought a cool amber ring from
Greg Thorne. We stand up paddled, (ahem) in the ocean, among the amazing kelp beds, renting our gear from
Stand Up Paddle Co. on Oak St. and PCH. We actually walked the boardwalk at Main Beach, an activity that I would usually avoid like the plague.
Photo by: Syrahgirl |
And we spent an afternoon on Balboa Island and Newport Beach. I haven't been there in years.
A lot of years. With my new, now working camera in hand, we traipsed around Balboa and rode the ferry over to Newport pier, pointing at the gulls and flotsam and jetsam, just like every other tourist in the vicinity.
Balboa Island is a very nautical themed place, as you can imagine. Surrounded by water, and sporting every kind of boat, from huge yachts for the uber wealthy, to sweet little dinghies tied to a pier and sabots navigated by kids, you really get the sense of how much these folks love their boats.
I know, I'm pretty artsy with my new camera.
Looking south from Newport Pier toward
The Wedge.
Yea, so the tourists are definitely onto something here. They know where all the hot spots are, they know where the fun is, and they surely know how to have fun. I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Naw, never mind, I'm heading back up the hill.